Wellness Leadership – How To Create A Profitable Wellness Website
MAIN KEY of this post: Your Wellness Website Must ADD VALUE first
So many wellness websites I’ve come across just don’t have what it takes to be an effective website. Myself included, I’ve made every mistake in the book! So I’ve decided to outline the main mistakes therapists make in developing their site so you can avoid them and create a profitable wellness website that adds great value and earns fantastic income.
Advertising For Natural Therapists
4 Golden Rules for Natural Therapy Advertising
MAIN KEY of this post: Advertise the Experience and the Results of your Modality NOT the Modality itself.
There are some simple tips that can revolutionize the way you communicate with your community. If you truly value your services and are ready to increase your clientele then make sure you read these words closely.
“People aren’t interested in your modality!”
Leadership From The Heart
If there was one main gem we’d like Practitioners to take away and embody in their practice it must be this: Self Love and Self Care are the highest priority when running a Holistic Therapy Practice. Why? Because we’re in…
The Best Referral System……Ever!
I’m about to share a secret practice building tip that might just revolutionise your practice.
When my clients started implementing this strategy their practice started soaring.
It was a simple technique that could help bring in 2-5 new clients every month…
Not a bad result! So I thought I’d share it with you.
Developing Your Wellness Packages
One of the most common mistakes Therapists and Practitioners make when marketing their private practice is focusing on marketing their Modality instead of their Solution. Clients aren’t so much interested in your modality; rather, they want the solution your modality offers.
Take for example someone suffering from back pain. One day they hear that their friend’s back pain was fixed by getting acupuncture. So they become intrigued: “If it worked for my friend, maybe it’ll work for me”, they think. After some initial hesitancy (they hate needles) they book in for a session. So let’s take stock here. This person has never had acupuncture before and is scared of needles, so why on earth would they book in to receive a treatment if they are terrified of it?