The Three Golden Keys of Wellness Leadership
You may have heard me talk about the three phases or Three Golden Keys of Wellness Leadership before, but sometimes it’s good to go back to basics and have a really good look at what these words actually mean for you, your Wellness Business and your clients. Make no mistake, the Three Golden Keys are integral to your future as a Wellness Leader. How do I know this? Because not only have the Three Golden Keys proved to be true in my own practice, but they have proven to be true many times over in the lives of practitioners just like you.
Your Wellness Practice Blueprint – Creating a Powerful Vision
Your Practice Blueprint is essentially a map. What does a map do? It gives you direction when you don’t know where you’re going. Think about it like this: if you arrived in a place you had never been before, would you just start driving around, hoping that you would somehow find where you are meant to be? Would you look around and follow someone else who looked nice and hope that they are going to the same place (don’t laugh, I have a friend who does this). Why wouldn’t you do this? Because it would be frustrating, ineffective, unsuccessful and inefficient – and pretty likely you’d never find what you were looking for.
Seven Strategies To Build Your Wellness Clients
As practitioners, we know how important it is to access and look after the people in our local area – but how do we do it? I’ve put together some simple tips I have used that really helped me get people walking in the door – and I know you’re going to find these ideas a big help.