Creating Systems for your Wellness Practice
Our Practice Automation Systems are tools that will help us go from good to great, or from Start-up Practice to Successful Practice. Many Health and Wellness Practitioners do not create systems and thus fail to truly leverage their practice from a…
The Importance of Client Conversion
In our last blog, we discussed the three Christmas myths, the three common mistakes practitioners make over the Christmas period and what people are really wanting from their wellness practitioner over the Christmas break.
Wellness Practitioner Myths and Mistakes Made Around Christmas Time
Here we are, coming up to Christmas time. In Australia, that means six weeks of summer holidays. For many of us, this is the time of year when the most money pours out – and also when we have the least amount coming in. Friends, this is a sure recipe for stress.
How I Uncovered My Soul Purpose – Guest Blog
This is really exciting news – today we have a guest blog by Carolyn Graham, Homeopath, Massage Therapist, and one of my wonderful Wellness Mentoring clients! Carolyn shares her journey with us all the way through from her first experiences with Homeopathy, along her wellness practice journey, what it was like to go through my mentoring program and right up until now, a budding Wellness Leader! Read on and be inspired, just like I am 🙂
The Wellness Leadership Model
Positioning yourself in your community by having your own unique story and acting as a bridge to develop trust and rapport with your audience is important. But after creating your story, what’s the next step? It’s getting clear on your advice and how you can systematise this advice for maximum effectiveness.