How I Uncovered My Soul Purpose – Guest Blog
This is really exciting news – today we have a guest blog by Carolyn Graham, Homeopath, Massage Therapist, and one of my wonderful Wellness Mentoring clients! Carolyn shares her journey with us all the way through from her first experiences with Homeopathy, along her wellness practice journey, what it was like to go through my mentoring program and right up until now, a budding Wellness Leader! Read on and be inspired, just like I am 🙂
How I uncovered my Soul Purpose
My journey with Complementary Therapies began a long time ago. I had visited natural therapists in my twenties, but never with any great sense of conviction. My son was born twenty-seven years ago with almost non-existent digestive capabilities. This was, as you can imagine, extremely concerning, and the source of almost endless sleepless nights and very anxious days. Having done the usual round of visits to paediatricians and doctors who seemed to have little idea of what to do, I went to a Homeopath. His condition immediately started to improve and we never looked back!
I began to study Homeopathy when my son was around seven years old, mainly due to the profound and very positive impact I was able to witness from using Homeopathic medicines for my own two children, who flourished and became healthy and robust, virtually without any need for pharmaceutical drugs or over the counter medicines.
Please bear with me, as this is not primarily about the amazing modality of Homeopathy (which I could so very easily wax lyrical about!). I have been in practice as a Homeopath for some eleven years now, as well as practicing Massage and Reiki for over twenty years.
When I first made the decision to study Homeopathy, I knew it was deep within me already. It was as if I had done this before, and many people have told me they feel it’s an ‘old’ knowledge that I carry inside.
It took me eight long years to complete my studies, mainly due to the fact that I became a single parent at the beginning of my studies and, for many years things were tough, extremely tough. It took total conviction for me to push through and complete my studies, and only my profound love of this amazing healing art spurred me on to finally complete my qualifications.
Ten years ticked by for me as a practicing Homeopath. I loved every minute of it, and felt so much pleasure in being able to facilitate healing and relief for my patients. I found myself listening for hour upon hour, day after day, week after week, and for months and years to people’s problems, heartaches, grief, concerns, traumas, losses and general pains and discomforts. You name it, I listened, as any Homeopath with tell you they do! It’s not an attempt to psycho-analyse, more a need to understand what prevents people from moving forwards and healing in their lives, so that we can find what best will suit them energetically as a medicine to assist healing.
Last year, I felt that I really needed a mentor, someone who could assist me with moving forwards, both as a business as well as personally. I felt somewhat ‘stuck’.
Although I loved what I was doing, I felt trapped on a never-ending wheel, going round and round but not really going any further. It was as if I had hit a glass ceiling of some sort.
I did quite a bit of research online, and suddenly, one day, Andy Ramsay’s email (from Wellness Leadership Academy) dropped into my inbox. Now, I’m not one to easily trust another to mentor me, without knowing more about this person and what I am getting myself into, so I did even more research!
I watched some of Andy’s online videos and knew immediately, from somewhere deep within me, that this was someone I instantly liked and wanted to mentor me. I liked the sound of his voice, I liked what he had to say. I felt he was genuine and coming from a real place of integrity, totally from his own heart, and a desire to help others.
So I signed up, but little did I know what I was stepping into! We began with personal skype coaching sessions each fortnight, along with me learning about business systems, client attraction, good and effective websites and Facebook pages, but more importantly, how to come from your heart, how to stay there in one’s practice, and in everything we do.
He kept emphasizing that I needed to work on the transition from being a Wellness Practitioner to a Wellness Leader, or educator, and to move into and enact the real reason I was doing this work. This was hard for me to grasp. I was so identified with being a Homeopath.
My inner narrative went something like, “This is who I am! There’s nothing wrong with that. Why is Andy trying to change me? Everything’s fine the way it is, I just need a bit of business help. I’m already half way there anyway. Or perhaps not? Maybe I’ll just stay the way I am, it would be a lot easier. Who’s going to want to listen to what I have to say anyway? Who really cares?”
The list of negative self-talk was incredible. There were so many times I nearly talked myself right out of the whole deal!
Throughout this process, Andy kept saying to me “It’s ok, yes, you are a homeopath, and I have no doubt a very good one. But there is another reason why you are doing what you are doing. Your role is not to keep people dependent and endlessly coming to you. It’s to help empower them to move on and fulfill what they have really come here to do as well. It’s to help them reconnect to their own inner truth and purpose, in just the same way you’ve been doing, and that’s so very apparent by the people who come to you, and the success you have with them on this level”.
And it was true, I certainly have mostly attracted people to my clinic who want a deeper process of reconnecting to their true being, which they have either lost through life stress, or have never discovered.
My resistance was enormous, however. I struggled, but finally I reached a point where I just forced myself to start writing a self-help process of ‘Reconnection’ for those that were seeking this direction for themselves. It was a very painful process for me at some points, because I really needed to look at, and deeply connect with my fears, my fragile self-belief and lack of real self-acceptance. Over the last few months, the transformation in me has been huge, and significant.
I have realized that my ‘soul purpose’ is in fact to help others find their way back to themselves, and to the core truth and integrity of who they really are.
Homoeopathy is, of course, a wonderful aid in this process, but it isn’t the totality of the work I do, which seems to have evolved fairly seamlessly from the time I simply decided to just ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’! I knew I either had to take that step, or bail out, and the ‘bail out’ option was inconceivable to me.
Now I finally understand what the difference between your modality and your soul purpose really is.
I also realise that I spent years literally hiding behind Homeopathy, because that way I didn’t have to face my deepest fears about myself. I didn’t really have to step into becoming the person that I really am, and truly face the deepest hurt and sense of not being good enough within myself that prevented me from moving forwards. This is where I was stuck, but I just couldn’t see it at the time.
Fortunately, Andy was able to stand up for me, and believe in me, when I really didn’t believe in myself. For his tenacity in the face of sometimes very shaky odds, and his absolute knowing and trust that I would come through, I am truly grateful. I’m certainly not the same person that I was twelve months ago, with all of the insecurities and dysfunctional beliefs that I was carrying. I’m able to comfortably acknowledge that, although this journey of self-discovery is ongoing, I am moving forwards in my life and my practice, with a much greater sense of confidence, happiness, calmness, peace within and a deep desire to share the gifts I bring to humanity, as I know does each and every single one of us, however seemingly ‘large’ or ‘small’.
We are all, and always, equal, here to share ourselves with each other in our own unique and precious ways, and to support each other to truly remember who we are, and why we are here.

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